Fire Hydrants

A & R Hydrant Repair Ltd. is a Saskatchewan based company that has been working with municipalities and businesses to ensure that Fire Hydrants are operating and accessible since 2015. Our team consists of Engineers and OCB Certified technicians. 

We pride ourselves on providing quality and affordable service to our municipal and private clients. 

Our Routine Inspection Program not only meets regulations, but can reduce operating and maintenance costs by thousands of dollars.  We recommend inspecting fire hydrants in the spring and fall each year. With the Saskatchewan winters, a fall inspection ensures that the hydrant has not frozen and will be operable for the duration of winter. The spring inspection assess the condition of the hydrant after the subzero temperatures.

Fire hydrants are a critical part of fire protection infrastructure, but are often overlooked for inspections and maintenance. Common problems that are found during inspections include leaks, plugged drain ports (cause freezing during winter), and seized operating nuts or caps. All of these things can cause damage and make the hydrant inoperable for emergency services in the event of a fire. 

Inoperable fire hydrants can result in delays to emergency response time and for many insurance policies, it is very important to maintain your fire hydrants in reliable working order.