Fire Hydrant Inspections

Our current clients include a variety of Municipalities, commercial properties, industrial sites, and condominiums. All inspections are conducted in accordance with AWWA M17 requirements.

Routine Hydrant Inspection

Spring inspections include:

 Components will be checked and lubricated with gaskets and seals replaced as required. 

Fall inspections include: 

Components will be checked and lubricated with gaskets and seals replaced as required. Non-draining hydrants will be pumped out for winter service.

We recommend spring and fall inspections to be completed to ensure that the hydrants are in working order year round to have them operate when you need them. 

Post-construction Inspection

This includes all of the aspects of the routine inspection with the addition of an internal component and assembly check (stem, seat, rod, and couplings).


Municipal Hydrants

The Fire Insurance Underwriters recommends semi-annual inspections.  

Private Hydrants

Private Hydrants are to be inspected, tested, and serviced annually in accordance with the National Fire Code of Canada.


Hydrant Color coding must comply with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 291) for all municipalities in Canada.